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The Terminator Screen-Featured Prop T-800 Arm. Written and directed by James Cameron in the early 1980s, The Terminator quickly became a genre classic that spawned three sequels and a television series spin-off, with each installment pushing the boundaries of motion picture special effects.
The first movie pre-dates the sophisticated computer-generated effects taken for granted by audiences today (though the 1991 sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day would pioneer many of those techniques), relying instead on animatronics, stop-motion photography, make-up prosthetics, and other practical effects to portray the villainous T-800 Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a robotic endoskeleton clothed in human flesh. Much of those effects were designed by the late genius Stan Winston.
Only two full-size Terminator endoskeletons were made for the movie: a fully articulated model for specific shots, and a duplicate designed to be blown to smithereens by a pipe bomb in the climactic battle inside a factory. This prop arm is from the latter, and it was the largest surviving piece left after filming, rescued by a member of the crew.
The arm, molded from the original and painted to resemble metal, measures approximately 24" in length and is partially articulated. One of the fingers has separated over time due to the soft-wiring of the endoskeleton's parts, done to allow it to fragment properly during the explosion; otherwise, the arm is in overall Very Fine condition. It is accompanied by the April 1985 issue of Cinefex magazine, with a cover feature on the movie's special effects. From the collection of Shay Austin, assistant art director on The Terminator. Accompanied by a letter of provenance from Shay Austin.

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Auction Info

Auction Dates
November, 2010
13th-14th Saturday-Sunday
Bids + Registered Phone Bidders: 2
Lot Tracking Activity: N/A
Page Views: 4,095

Buyer's Premium per Lot:
19.5% of the successful bid (minimum $14) per lot.

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