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A James Cagney Massive and Enormous Archive of Business and Personal Documents, 1930s-1970s. All saved by his longtime secretary, Nora Helm, who worked for the actor for over 40 years starting in the 1930s; approximately 27 large 3-ring binders (now housed in four large plastic storage containers) filled with hundreds (though more likely thousands) of pieces of paperwork all relating to Cagney's life -- both professional and personal; truly a comprehensive collection that practically re-creates almost every day of his adult life but it also gives insight into how Americans as a whole lived in the early-to-mid 20th century; it would take months to thoroughly catalogue each piece but in general, this archive comprises: fan mail (some from children as young as 6 years old!), scripts from never-realized projects, instructions and typed correspondence from JC to Helm, insurance papers, investment documents, tax forms and tax returns, gas and electric bills (from the actor's many homes in Beverly Hills, the San Fernando Valley, Martha's Vineyard, etc.), telephone bill stubs, residual paycheck stubs, paperwork related to cattle and horses he owned, deeds to property, blank checks from his business accounts, payroll and other accounting-type ledgers, insurance appraisals, property taxes dating back to the early 1930s, documents about the boat he owned, moving company receipts, 'Cagney Productions' paperwork (the unofficial name of William Cagney Productions, Inc. -- the company he and his brother ran throughout the 1940s), school correspondence related to his two children [James Cagney, Jr. and Cathleen], form letters from countless charities, telegrams, and, of special interest -- hundreds of business and personal receipts mainly from great old Los Angeles companies that are now long gone such as Schwab's Drugstore, Pickwick Bookstore, Bullock's, May Co., Robison's, and the like; also of special interest are the many dozens of carbon copies of the correspondence Cagney wrote/replied to -- ranging from fascinating (discussions of film projects with various industry people) to mundane (his movers damaged his personal possessions just like they do to ours...); please know this description and our catalogue illustration don't even begin to show how detailed, thorough, and all-encompassing this archive is -- its scope is exhaustive; it further illustrates just how thoroughly Cagney trusted Helm as she was tasked with saving all this paperwork that covers every aspect of his life.
Housed in 4 large plastic containers measuring: 15" x 17" x 16"

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Auction Info

Auction Dates
November, 2017
11th Saturday
Bids + Registered Phone Bidders: 4
Lot Tracking Activity: N/A
Page Views: 1,767

Buyer's Premium per Lot:
25% on the first $250,000 (minimum $19), plus 20% of any amount between $250,000 and $2,500,000, plus 12% of any amount over $2,500,000 per lot.

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